The Hostile Environment
Roger explains how policies introduced by the Conservative Government targeted at migrants, have impacted renters’ access to housing.
How is housing hostile?
and how can we end it?
Housing in Hackney
The co-researchers interview renters in Hackney about their housing stories.
KG’s Story
K.G’s tells his housing story and we take action outside the offices of his housing association
We interview our LRU comrades at K.G’s action
K.G. drafts his action letter with London Renters Union members
K.G. performs his poem at Ridley Road market
Bradley’s Story
Bradley re-visits places in and around Hackney that are featured in his housing story
Agnieszka’s Story
Agnieszka re-creates her experience in temporary accommodation
Agnieszka invites Hackney residents to imagine living in temporary accommodation
Roger’s Story
Roger tells his housing story to the group
Roger explains Section 17 and discusses the Campaign for Free School Meals with Nadia from NELMA
We headed to Hackney Carnival to find out the importance of community
What’s caused hostile housing?
and how can we redress the balance?
Loraine Mponela interviewed by Roger
Natasha Sivanandan interviewed by Agnieszka
Adam Elliot-Cooper interviewed by Oluwatosin
Cecil Sagoe interviewed by K.G.
BTS: Group work and creating the film
Statements in a round: every player makes a statement on a particular topic, as the mic is passed around, each person reflects on the statements others have made.
In two groups we unpack the themes in our housing stories
We discuss possible key issues for our film